Aug 24, 2020 | Sabine Wiedemann
Pietsch: Release Concert "Fantasque" with new pianist
Due to the worsening Corona situation, unfortunately Josu De Solaun will be unable to travel from Spain to Berlin - what a pity! But the release concert will take place, now with pianist Maki Hayashida who performs with Franziska Pietsch also in other concerts.
Due to this change, program has been slightly altered; instead of Poulenc's Violin Sonata the artists will present one of C. Franck's Violin Sonatas. Here the updated program overview:
Debussy: Sonate pour violon et piano - l Allegro vivo - ll Intermède - lll Finale
Ravel: Sonate pour violon et piano - l Allegretto - ll Blues - lll Perpetuum mobile
C. Franck: Sonate pour violon et piano - l Allegretto ben Moderato - ll Allegro -
lll Recitativo-Fantasia - lV Allegretto poco mosso
Event details:
Tuesday, Aug 25th 2020, 7:30 PM:
Release Concert "Fantasque" with Franziska Pietsch, violin, and Maki Hayashida, piano
Mendelssohn-Remise, Jägerstraße 51, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Registration neccessary: or tel. 030/ 644 752 - 43 (admission fee 10,00 €)