After the successful release of César Franck's complete organ works on 3 double SACDs audite now presents these recordings in a 6 CD boxed set. This complete edition naturally includes the 12 major well-known works of this composer. In addition to these, it contains many smaller treasures of the...more
“One hesitates to use the word ‘great’ but in this case nothing else will do.” (MusicWeb International)
Track List
César Franck: Complete Organ Works | |
article number: | 21.413 |
EAN barcode: | 4022143214133 |
price group: | BCG |
release date: | 3. August 2012 |
total time: | 411 min. |
Bonus Material
- Information about Registration
Fascination Organ (part I)
documentation on the building of the Goll Organ in St. Martin, Memmingen
Fascination Organ (part II)
documentation on the building of the Goll Organ in St. Martin, Memmingen
After the successful release of César Franck's complete organ works on 3 double SACDs audite now presents these recordings in a 6 CD boxed set. This complete edition naturally includes the 12 major well-known works of this composer. In addition to these, it contains many smaller treasures of the repertoire among them at least 40 minutes of music which were presented as first recordings in the original SACD release: The works for harmonium are available here in their entirety in their versions for organ, as are two organ works discovered during the 1970s and 1980s, also new to the recording medium.
Besides these aspects of completeness, the present complete production is marked by the special sound of the Goll Organ. Its warm, soft sound, resulting from widely constructed pipes, creates an unobtrusive power and fullness; the essence of the French Cavaillé Organs has been preserved and further developed in this instrument. Hans-Eberhard Roß, Cantor of the Deanery St. Martin in Memmingen, was decisively and authoritatively involved in the planning and disposition of this organ.
Interested music lovers can call up the exact registrations of all the pieces from here simultaneously with this issue, as well as short videos about the construction of the organ. The bilingual booklet gives on 64 pages detailed information about the production.
Musica | N° 245 - Aprile 2013 | Michele Bosio | April 1, 2013
Queste due nuove integrali della musica di Franck hanno una caratteristicaMehr lesen
Diapason | N° 612 Avril 2013 | Paul de Louit | April 1, 2013
Voici la réédition, en un coffret de six CD, de ce qui fut naguère présenté en six SACD groupés par deux. Incluant l'ensemble des pièces deMehr lesen
A la réécoute, presque sept ans après, les qualités de l'orgue contemporain de Memmingen (à l'exception du Grand Choeur) nous saisissent encore dans ce répertoire réputé inaccessible à d'autres instruments que ceux de Cavaillé-Coll. On reste emporté par l'enthousiasme de l'interprétation dans les pièces de jeunesse et celles de la maturité. Dans les pages tardives, des précipitations occasionnelles (Deuxième Choral et une tendance à trop marquer les répétitions de notes, au détriment du cantabile, nous gêne toujours. Mais, avec le recul, nous préférons nous laisser aller au bel élan imprimé par Ross, et donner à cette somme la moyenne haute qu'elle mérite amplement.
International Record Review | January 2013 | Robert Matthew-Walker | January 1, 2013
César Franck’s complete chamber music and organ works
Complete organ music on Audite
The German set of Franck' s complete organ music is also invaluable, containing, as it does, quite a few world premiere recordings, and although someMehr lesen
Ross is a fine player and an excellent scholar. Every one of these performances, especially of the great works, has to be taken very seriously indeed: his registration and tempos are admirable, and in the world premiere recordings such relatively important works as the Pièce en mi bémol of 1846 we encounter (for the first time on disc) a fine composition which contains more than a trace of the later genius. The Pièce pour grand orgue (in A major – demanding four manuals – a work that should be in the repertoire of any self-respecting concert organist) dates from 1854 and the very beautiful quiet coda exemplifies an aspect of Franck that must surely have commended him to Liszt (they knew one another, and on one memorable occasion, each played his organ music to the other composer – a meeting of geniuses many music lovers would have given much to have attended). Ross plays all four published versions of the Fantasie (1856, 1863 and two in 1868), a most important juxtaposition of most interest (three of these performances come to within five seconds each – over 12 minutes!), which reveal that all four versions (if properly identified) should each be heard occasionally in recital: the earlier three are not so inferior as conceptions as the more familiar final version.
However, it is the sequence of Six Pièces pour Grand Orgue (Opp. 16-21) on the second CD that display the genius of this composer's organ music fully for the first time in his creative life. The Op. 17 Grand Pièce Symphonique (the title revised from Symphonie) is the first symphony ever written for the organ and this undoubted masterpiece receives a thrilling account from Ross: Liszt and Wagner may metaphorically have glanced over Franck's shoulder during its composition, but it could only have been written by the Belgian. The more lyrical succeeding masterpiece, the Prélude, Fugue et Variation is equally finely played. Throughout these six pieces, from the most 'personal' of Franck's works – the Prière, Op. 20 – to the brilliantly powerful Final, Op. 21, Ross is fully up to the composer's demands, as he is in the concluding masterpieces – the three Chorals from Franck's final months – each one given with commendable artistry, bringing this unique set to a splendid conclusion.
What is additionally significant is the inclusion of all of Franck's music for organ or harmonium, sometimes in important transcriptions by Vierne or others and, whilst individual pieces from these sets may appear little more than chips from the workshop, they make splendid recessional or interludial items for the organist during Mass or other services – and they are all genuine works, short though many of them may be, by this admirable composer. The remaining important set – the Trois Pièces pour Grand Orgue of 1878, which concludes with the famous 'Pièce Héroïque', is equally well performed by the musician who deserves our grateful thanks for bringing to the gramophone every one of the composer's extant works for organ or harmonium.
It must be clear, with such a combination of scholarship and musicianship as has attended the planning and realization of this set, that the result is an issue of which any organist and record company should be justly proud.
Organists' Review | 01.12.2012 | Martin Clarke | December 1, 2012
This box-set of the complete organ works of Franck, previously released as three double CDs, is an excellent set of recordings. Hans Eberhard Roß'sMehr lesen
http://theclassicalreviewer.blogspot.de | Tuesday, 16 October 2012 | October 16, 2012 Franck’s complete organ music on Audite in performances by Hans-Eberhard Roß that are unlikely to be surpassed
Of those composers active just before Debussy the names of Saint Saëns,Mehr lesen
deropernfreund.de | Jg. 42 / September 2012 | Prof. Egon Bezold | September 1, 2012 Fülle und Farbkraft der Orgel mit César Franck
Wer César Francks Orgelwerk interpretiert, sollte ganz im Sinne des Komponisten die große innere Ruhe wahren, auch mit der Agogik einen sensiblenMehr lesen
Im Übrigen überrascht die zweikanalig publizierte Sammlung mit Trouvaillen des Franckschen Orgelrepertoires, die in einer ursprünglichen SACD-Veröffentlichung als Ersteinspielungen vorgestellt wurden. Was César Franck für Harmonium komponierte, liegt jetzt komplett in der Fassung für Orgel vor. Als eine phonografische Entdeckung gelten hier zwei in den 1970er und 1980er dem Archivschlaf entrissene Werke. Das lässt den Schluss zu, dass Franck mit der Sammlung „Pièces pour Orgue ou Harmonium“ gezielt – abseits der anspruchsvollen sinfonischen Großwerke – auch spielpraktisch an simplere für den Gottesdienst gedachte Verhältnisse gedacht hat. Dass diese „leichte Ware“ von unschätzbarem Wert für den liturgischen Gebrauch ist, darüber mögen Orgelmeister wie Kirchenmusikdirektoren bei ihrer musikalischen Amtsausübung nur schwärmen. Der erwärmende, weit mensurierte Klang der Goll-Orgel in Memmingen evoziert Kraft und Substanz, bewahrt mithin all jene klangliche Physionomie die Cavaillé-Coll-Orgeln so unverwechselbar macht: Fülle und Farbkraft für all die warmtimbrierten Tutti- oder Tempo-Exzesse, worüber die sinfonisch großorchestral romantische Orgelliteratur – besonders die aus Frankreich – so reich gebietet.
Wer Franck auf der Orgel interpretiert, braucht orchestergemäße Dispositionsfähigkeit über ein weit differenziertes Klangspektrum so wie eine blendende Technik. Diese Erwartungen erfüllt Hans-Eberhard Roß, Dekakantskantor an St. Martin in Memmingen, auf fabelhafte Weise. Mit Verve und Hingabe, mit fein dosiertem französischem Timbre, sorgsam im An- und Abschwellen der Töne, inszeniert der Kulturpreisträger 2012 der Stadt Memmingen seine Vorstellungen, die ihn auch als Konzertorganist zu sinnreicher, ungewöhnlicher Programmgestaltung inspirieren. Exakte Registrierungen aller Stücke, auch Kurzvideo über den Aufbau der Orgel, sind über www.audite.de zu erfahren. Einen ausführlichen Report über die Produktion enthält auf vierundsechzig Seiten das zweisprachige Booklet (http://www.audite.de/de/product/6 CD/21413.
Queste due nuove integrali della musica di Franck hanno una caratteristica...
Voici la réédition, en un coffret de six CD, de ce qui fut naguère présenté...
César Franck’s complete chamber music and organ works
This box-set of the complete organ works of Franck, previously released as three...
Franck’s complete organ music on Audite in performances by Hans-Eberhard Roß that are unlikely to be surpassed