Piano News | 2/2018 März/April | Marco Frei | March 1, 2018 |
Mit seiner Einspielung der "Goldberg- Variationen" von Bach wandelt Kemal Cem Yilmaz insgesamt auf den Spuren von RosaIyn Tureck. Dabei gelingt es demMehr lesen
Diapason | N° 666 - Mars 2018 | Christophe Huss | March 1, 2018 |
C ette fresque de 1937 « pour deux chœurs mixtes, orchestre symphonique, orchestre de cuivres, ensemble d’accordéons et instruments bruyants » aMehr lesen | March 2018 | R.E.B. | March 1, 2018 | source: http://www.class... |
Cuban-born virtuoso Jorge Bolet (1914 - 1990) studied with many legendary pianists including Josef Hoffman, Leopold Godowski, David Saperton and MorizMehr lesen | March 2018 | David Hurwitz | March 1, 2018 |
None of these performances constitute essential Furtwängler, not even the newly discovered Schumann Manfred Overture. We already have a perfectlyMehr lesen | March 2018 | R.E.B. | March 1, 2018 | source: http://www.class... |
[…] This Audite HD Klassik release is Volume 12 in their Lucerne Festival series. This one features Furtwängler conducting Schumann and BeethovenMehr lesen
Der neue Merker | 28.02.2018 | Dr. Ingobert Waltenberger | February 28, 2018 | source: https://onlineme... |
Wilhelm Furtwängler: Konzertmitschnitt aus dem Kunsthaus Lucerne, 26.…
Auf dem Programm des Konzerts standen noch Beethovens „Eroica“ und die vierte Symphonie von Robert Schumann, beides Werke des Standardrepertoires,Mehr lesen | 28. Februar 2018 | February 28, 2018 | source: https://www.amaz... |
Outstanding product by a group of talented young men
This album has an excellent and diverse selection of music. The performances are flawless and the recording quality is outstanding. Well worthMehr lesen | Wednesday February 28th | Jonathan Woolf | February 28, 2018 | source: |
Though he won the Naumberg Competition in 1937, Jorge Bolet wasn’t to achieve a modicum of fame until he ‘stood in’ for Dirk Bogarde in SongMehr lesen
Audiophile Audition | Feb 26, 2018 | Gray Lemco | February 26, 2018 | source: https://www.auda... |
The Cuban piano virtuoso Jorge Bolet (1914-1990) enjoyed a special relationship with the music of Franz Liszt, his having been selected to supply theMehr lesen
BBC Radio 3 | 24.02.2018 | Andrew McGregor | February 24, 2018 |
And that’s a recording I suspect wouldn’t have been made had it not been for last year’s 100th anniversary of the revolution. It turns out to beMehr lesen | Tuesday February 20th | Jonathan Woolf | February 20, 2018 | source: |
I last reviewed Furtwangler’s 26 August 1953 concert in Lucerne back in 2005 when the matter was complicated by virtue of Tahra’s inclusion ofMehr lesen | Tuesday February 20th | Jonathan Woolf | February 20, 2018 |
I last reviewed Furtwangler’s 26 August 1953 concert in Lucerne back in 2005 when the matter was complicated by virtue of Tahra’s inclusion ofMehr lesen | February 10, 2018 | Todd | February 10, 2018 | source: http://www.good-... |
A brand new LvB cycle of the super-budget variety. Martin Rasch is a forty-something German pianist who did the competition circuit and has taughtMehr lesen
Deutschlandfunk | 08.02.2018, 22:05 Uhr bis 22:50 Uhr | February 8, 2018 | source: http://www.deuts... |
BROADCAST Historische Aufnahmen
Sendebeleg siehe PDF!Mehr lesen
Deutschlandfunk | 07.02.2018 | Philipp Quiring | February 7, 2018 | source: http://www.deuts... |
BROADCAST Bedacht virtuos
Jorge Bolet spielt Liszt
Bei Liszts Musik dreschen Pianisten gerne mal auf die Tasten. Nicht so Jorge Bolet! In erstmals veröffentlichten Mitschnitten des Verstorbenen istMehr lesen
Radio Bremen | Klassikwelt 07.02.2018, 22.05 Uhr | Wilfried Schäper | February 7, 2018 | source: |
Sendebeleg siehe PDF!Mehr lesen | 05 February 18 | Jed Distler | February 5, 2018 | source: https://www.clas... |
Historical Gems: Prime Jorge Bolet From Audite
Collectors who know Jorge Bolet as the reserved and occasionally diffident elder statesman of the studio Decca recordings from his final decadeMehr lesen | 5. Februar 2018 | Sandra Zoor | February 5, 2018 | source: https://www.qobu... |
Spannende Begegnung
Geigerin Elina Vähälä und Kontrabassist Niek de Groot vereinen ihre…
Jedes Instrument hat eben seine eigene Identität – sei es auf tonaler, technischer oder psychologischer Ebene. Aber wie es auch bei Menschen derMehr lesen | Friday February 2nd | Claire Seymour | February 2, 2018 | source: |
Darius Milhaud is perhaps rivalled only by Paul Hindemith among twentieth-century composers for his substantial and varied oeuvre of chamber music. InMehr lesen
SWR | SWR2 Treffpunkt Klassik – Neue CDs, 02.02.2018 | Dorothea Bossert | February 2, 2018 | source: https://www.swr.... |
Kraftvoll und virtuos - Jorge Bolet spielt Liszt
Verborgene Schätze<br />
Jorge Bolet, der große kubanische Klaviervirtuose, war in den 1960er und 70er Jahren häufig beim RIAS in Berlin zu Gast. DamalsMehr lesen