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Parable - Original Works for Brass Quintet

92525 - Parable - Original Works for Brass Quintet

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Thanks to new developments in valve technique, the ranges of the original, natural brass instruments were expanded during the first half of the nineteenth century. The customary "brass harmonic sound", originally very simple, was now available at once for fully fledged solos for these instruments...more

John Cheetham | Eugène Bozza | Leonard Bernstein | Vincent Persichetti | Witold Lutoslawski | André Previn | Kerry Turner

"In this beautifully luminous surround-sound recording one can also appreciate the meticulous attention to dynamics, voicing and timbral depth which these refined German players bring to the probing discourse. An admirable addition for brass aficionados." (Grammophone)

Track List

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John Cheetham A Brass Menagerie (17:59) Brass Quintet München

I. Molto Allegro ed Energico (04:33)
III. Scherzando ben ritmico (03:17)
IV. Alla Marcia (03:03)
V. Brillante (02:44)

Eugène Bozza Sonatine pour 2 Trompettes, 1 Cor, 1 Trombone, 1 Tuba (10:58) Brass Quintet München

I. Allegro vivo (02:43)
II. Andante ma non troppo (02:34)
III. Allegro vivo (02:07)
IV. Largo - Allegro - Allegro vivo (03:34)

Leonard Bernstein Dance Suite (05:44) Brass Quintet München

I. Dancisca for Antony (01:00)
II. Waltz for Agnes (00:55)
III. Bi-Tango for Misha (00:52)
IV. Two-Step for Mr. B (00:43)
V. M T V for Jerry (02:14)

Vincent Persichetti Brass Quintet München

Parable II for Brass Quintet Op. 108 (15:29)

Witold Lutoslawski Brass Quintet München

Mini Ouverture (03:10)

André Previn Four Outings for Brass (14:20) Brass Quintet München

I. Moderato, with energy (03:36)
II. Blues tempo (05:07)

Kerry Turner Brass Quintet München

Ricochet for Brass Quintet (09:53)

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Parable - Original Works for Brass Quintet
article number: 92.525
EAN barcode: 4022143925251
price group: ACX
release date: 1. September 2005
total time: 77 min.

Bonus Material


Thanks to new developments in valve technique, the ranges of the original, natural brass instruments were expanded during the first half of the nineteenth century. The customary "brass harmonic sound", originally very simple, was now available at once for fully fledged solos for these instruments within the orchestral context. Classical and romantic composers eagerly expanded their expressive palettes with this new acquisition. Nonetheless, virtuosos of the up-and-coming generation playing these new instruments were relatively rare at first, despite the existence of many good, even prominent brass players. Composers thus wrote correspondingly few solo and chamber works in this genre. This situation underwent a fundamental change during the twentieth century. The trailblazing successes of soloists and ensembles encouraged the development of young talent. This resulted in an increasing expansion of the repertoire, tending away from the arrangement of popular works of
the baroque and classical eras and towards the composition of original works.

The present selection of compositions by John Cheetham, Eugène Bozza, Vincent Persichetti, Leonard Bernstein, Witold Lutoslawski, André Previn and Kerry Turner, performed by the Brass Quintet München offers an interesting and entertaining glimpse into the modern brass repertoire.

This first-class ensemble (Hannes Läubin, trumpet - Thomas Kiechle, trumpet - Luiz García, horn - Thomas Horch, trombone - Alexander von Puttkamer, tuba), made up of solo brass players from the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and other renowned German orchestras, guarantees musical enjoyment on the very highest level.


Der neue Merker | 01/2008 | Dorothea Zweipfennig | January 1, 2008

Bläser-Musik nicht nur zu Weihnachten mit dem Münchner Posaunen Quartett,Mehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Bläser-Musik nicht nur zu Weihnachten mit dem Münchner Posaunen Quartett,

Les Années Laser
Les Années Laser | Numéro 130, Avril 2007 | April 1, 2007 Audite

Alors que d'autres déclarent forfait, cet éditeur allemand mise sur leMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Alors que d'autres déclarent forfait, cet éditeur allemand mise sur le

Audiophile Audition
Audiophile Audition | August 2006 | John Sunier | August 15, 2006 Exciting playing of original works composed for brass quintet

This is definitely not the sort of brass program you would hear from TheMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
This is definitely not the sort of brass program you would hear from The

American Record Guide | May/June 2006 | Kilpatrick | May 1, 2006

A very good brass quintet playing a solid program of modern works. I always appreciate it when a group can make complex music sound logical, makeMehr lesen

A very good brass quintet playing a solid program of modern works. I always appreciate it when a group can make complex music sound logical, make difficult parts interact neatly, make tense moments seem calm. Such is the case here, but one key is Munich Brass’s conservative tempos. Only rarely is there a sense of daring or propulsion. Tempos tend to settle back and become rather monotonous. Still, you have to admire the beautiful individual and group sound.

I am quite taken by the tuba playing of Alexander von Puttkamer – especially in the Bozza Sonatine, where I heard his lines as never before. The other members are trumpeters Hannes Läubin and Thomas Kiechle, horn player Luiz Garcia, and trombonist Thomas Horch.
A very good brass quintet playing a solid program of modern works. I always appreciate it when a group can make complex music sound logical, make

Das Orchester | 3/2006 | Michael Schmidt | March 1, 2006

Kann man dem Publikum zeitgenössische Originalkompositionen fürMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Kann man dem Publikum zeitgenössische Originalkompositionen für

Gramophone | 2/2006 | Jonathan Freeman-Attwood | February 1, 2006 A luminous disc of brass quintet classics proves a revelation

The quintet medium has never quite established itself as the solid-state default for composers wishing to write for brass but it’s as close as itMehr lesen

The quintet medium has never quite established itself as the solid-state default for composers wishing to write for brass but it’s as close as it gets. The majority of works here were inspired by the great American brass tradition and more often than not they are still performed indigenously. So to hear the Munich Brass Quintet (principal players of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra) revel in the canny, incisive and easy vernacular of Cheetham, Previn and Bernstein is quite a revelation.

In this beautifully luminous surround-sound recording one can also appreciate the meticulous attention to dynamics, voicing and timbral depth which these refined German players bring to the probing discourse of Persichetti’s Parable and Kerry Turner’s Richochet from 1994. The latter is a delightful Texan frolic, about as far as you can get from a Bavarian musical landscape, but the musicians find compelling solutions and Turner writes brilliantly for brass, irrespective of dialect. An admirable addition for brass aficionados.
The quintet medium has never quite established itself as the solid-state default for composers wishing to write for brass but it’s as close as it

Pizzicato | 12/2005 | Rémy Franck | December 1, 2005 Und zum Abschluss Kerry Turner

Das Münchner Brass Quintet spielt auf dieser CD nicht nur ausschließlich Originalkompositionen für Blechbläserquintett, es wählte auch sehrMehr lesen

Das Münchner Brass Quintet spielt auf dieser CD nicht nur ausschließlich Originalkompositionen für Blechbläserquintett, es wählte auch sehr anspruchsvolle Stücke aus, wie sie nur ein Ensemble mit ausgesprochenen Virtuosen risikofrei und souverän aufführen kann. Die Münchner erkunden die Werke von Cheetham, Bernstein, Persichetti, Previn und Turner als wahre Kammermusiker detailfreudig und auf Wohlklang bedacht, mit sorgfältigster Phrasierung und raffinierten Nuancen. Keine der klippenreichen Partituren scheint ihnen auch nur die geringste Mühe zu machen, auch nicht jenes wunderbare Ricochet von Kerry Turner, dem Solohornisten des Philharmonischen Orchesters Luxemburg, dessen brillante Komposition das Programm wirkungsvoll beschließt.
Das Münchner Brass Quintet spielt auf dieser CD nicht nur ausschließlich Originalkompositionen für Blechbläserquintett, es wählte auch sehr

Der neue Merker | Dezember 2005 | Dorothea Zweipfennig | December 1, 2005

Im Jahr 2003 initiierte der Posaunist Thomas Horch das Brass QuintettMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Im Jahr 2003 initiierte der Posaunist Thomas Horch das Brass Quintett

Ensemble - Magazin für Kammermusik
Ensemble - Magazin für Kammermusik | 11/12 2005 | Oliver Kersken | November 1, 2005 Fabelhaft

Musik für Blechbläser verbindet man häufig mit Bearbeitungen andererMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Musik für Blechbläser verbindet man häufig mit Bearbeitungen anderer

Bayerischer Rundfunk
Bayerischer Rundfunk | 13. September 2005 | Fridemann Leipold | September 13, 2005

Erstklassige Blechbläser-Ensembles gibt es seit der Pionierarbeit vonMehr lesen

Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen dürfen wir ihnen diese Rezension leider nicht zeigen!
Erstklassige Blechbläser-Ensembles gibt es seit der Pionierarbeit von


date /
Jan 22, 2014

Arkivmusic_recommendation - Parable - Original Works for Brass Quintet
Jan 7, 2006

Interpretation und Klang: 5/5 - Parable - Original Works for Brass Quintet
Dec 20, 2005

BR4 Klassik - CD-Tipp - Parable - Original Works for Brass Quintet
Dec 11, 2005

5/5 Noten - Parable - Original Works for Brass Quintet
Mar 2, 2008

Der neue Merker
Bläser-Musik nicht nur zu Weihnachten mit dem Münchner Posaunen Quartett, das...
Aug 7, 2007

Les Années Laser
Jun 30, 2007

Das Orchester
Kann man dem Publikum zeitgenössische Originalkompositionen für...
Mar 22, 2007

A luminous disc of brass quintet classics proves a revelation
Aug 19, 2006

Audiophile Audition
Exciting playing of original works composed for brass quintet
Aug 8, 2006

American Record Guide
A very good brass quintet playing a solid program of modern works. I always...
Jan 7, 2006

Ensemble - Magazin für Kammermusik
Dec 20, 2005

Bayerischer Rundfunk
Erstklassige Blechbläser-Ensembles gibt es seit der Pionierarbeit von Philip...
Dec 11, 2005

Und zum Abschluss Kerry Turner
Dec 7, 2005

Der neue Merker
Im Jahr 2003 initiierte der Posaunist Thomas Horch das Brass Quintett München,...

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