The Cologne recording of Haydn Symphonies from1952 and 1953 presented here continuous the historic Fricsay-cycle at audite . Fricsay's repertoire was wide-ranging, extending from J.S. Bach to B.A. Zimmermann. He gave new impulses to the interpretation of the music of the 18th and 19th centuries...more
"Hopefully, as Audite's tour of German radio vaults continues, they may unearth more Fricsay Haydn." (Classical Weta 90,9 FM)
Joseph Haydn: Symphony No. 44 & No. 98 | |
article number: | 95.584 |
EAN barcode: | 4022143955845 |
price group: | BCB |
release date: | 24. October 2007 |
total time: | 46 min. |
The Cologne recording of Haydn Symphonies from1952 and 1953 presented here continuous the historic Fricsay-cycle at audite.
Fricsay's repertoire was wide-ranging, extending from J.S. Bach to B.A. Zimmermann. He gave new impulses to the interpretation of the music of the 18th and 19th centuries and was, at the same time, open to all facets of modern music - he thus made Stravinsky, Schönberg and Berg more accessible to the public. During the first half of the 1950s, Fricsay was a frequently engaged orchestral conductor with the NWDR Symphony Orchestra in Cologne. He played works of contemporary composers there in symphony concerts and for recordings, also including the music of Joseph Haydn on his programmes - music which was rather neglected in the concert hall at that time.
Ferenc Fricsay was a modern interpreter. His success during the 1940s and '50s was due to his original, vital musicality, giving the listener the impression of great intensity in concerts and on recordings. His interpretations were reserved and transparent, arrived at with the greatest discipline. As a conductor a pioneer in the field of LP recordings, Fricsay made important contributions to the development of this medium during the post-war period.
With Fricsay's Haydn recordings audite expands its series of historical recordings with an interpretation which clearly shows the greatness of this conductor (who unfortunately died far too early) in the powerful symphonies of Joseph Haydn.
ensuite Kulturmagazin | Mai 2016 | Francois Lilienfeld | May 1, 2016 Aufnahmen mit Ferenc Fricsay (2.Teil)
Bei diesem Werk ist im Übrigen der Vergleich der beiden Fassungen des Trios im 3. Satz reizvoll: Hier die RIAS-Klarinetten mit ihrem samtweichen Ton, bei DG die Bläser der Wiener Symphoniker, die dem Wienerisch-Folkloristischen im Klang näher sind und etwas herber klingen. Die Qualität ist in beiden Fällen fabelhaft.Mehr lesen
Die Tonkunst | Juli 2013 | Tobias Pfleger | July 1, 2013 Edition Ferenc Fricsay – Werke von Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Rossini, Bizet, Brahms, Strauß, Verdi, Bartók u. a.
Ferenc Fricsay gehörte zu den bedeutenden Dirigenten des mittleren 20.Mehr lesen
Classical Weta 90,9 FM - Classical for Washington | Friday 5.29.09, 6:00 am | Jens F. Laurson | May 29, 2009
Perhaps the coupling of Haydn's 44th, 95th, and 98th symphonies strikes youMehr lesen
Prestige Audio Vidéo | 9/3/2009 | Michel Jakubowicz | March 9, 2009 Joseph Haydn: Symphonie No 44
Si la Symphonie No 44 "Funèbre" appartient à la période "Sturm undMehr lesen
Universitas | September 2008, Nummer 747 | Adelbert Reif | September 4, 2008
Der Dirigent Ferenc Fricsay ist heute eine Legende. Im europäischenMehr lesen
Fanfare | Issue 31:6 (July/Aug 2008) | James H. North | July 1, 2008
Fricsay (1914–1963) struck me as the Dinu Lipatti of conductors: once you heard his performance of a work, there seemed no other possible way toMehr lesen
Despite some drawbacks—a mediocre orchestra and merely adequate monaural sound—these are fine Haydn performances. Fricsay was a superb orchestra builder, raising a new radio orchestra called RIAS (Radio in the American Sector, of divided Berlin) to the near equal of that city’s great Philharmonic. Other postwar radio startups, such as this WDR Symphony Orchestra of Cologne, were less fortunate; as a guest conductor, Fricsay had to make do with what he found. His “Trauer” is dark and serious, as befits Haydn’s minor keys. The opening Allegro con brio is less hectic than Scherchen’s inspired performance, but no less impassioned. The Menuet is pure Fricsay, formal yet graceful, characteristics of most of his performances. The Adagio avoids excess sentiment and shortchanges repeats but seems just right anyway—the old Fricsay magic; and a rapid Presto finale works despite taxing the WDR strings. There are a few old-fashioned touches (this was 1953), notably the pulling back of tempo for final chords in most codas, but this remains one of the finest accounts of the “Trauer,” Fricsay’s dignity a complement to Scherchen’s passion.
The B♭ Symphony has considerable sparkle and plenty of power but is short on humor; this was more a product of the time (1952) than of the conductor, whose Mozart and Bartók could smile beatifically. Also symptomatic of the era is a lack of repeats; Fricsay does not take those in either sonata-form movement. He varies the playing in the Menuet repeats, giving soloists more leeway the second and third times. He does give full value to Haydn’s tenuto marks and rests at a time when conductors seemed embarrassed by delay and silence. Oddly, the tacet measure near the end of the finale (four bars before the moderato) is ignored; perhaps this is an editing error. The coda has the violin solo but no cembalo. Only the edition of the score and the orchestra’s limitations—sloppy string articulation, a tinny (when audible) oboe, and ugly trumpets—keep this from being a competitive recording of the B♭ Symphony.
Warts and all, I’m delighted to have this sample of Fricsay’s Haydn.
Scherzo | Abril 2008 | Maribel Carracedo | April 1, 2008
Fricsay comenzó a dirigir la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio de ColoniaMehr lesen
Diapason | Mars 2008 | Christian Merlin | March 1, 2008
Quitte à avoir des extraits de Carmen en allemand par Fricsay, on aurait préféré voir réédités ceux de 1959 avec l'ébouriffante OraliaMehr lesen
Les Symphonies nos 44 et 98 de Haydn figuraient déjà dans la discographie officielle de Fricsay chez DG, avec le RIAS : considérant que l'orchestre de la Radio de Cologne est moins bon, et que Fricsay m'a toujours paru meilleur mozartien que haydnien, ce volume n'est pas prioritaire. Il n'empêche que le finale de la Symphonie « Tragique » ne manque pas d'allure...
Pizzicato | N° 181, 3/2008 | Alain Steffen | March 1, 2008 Wichtiges Fricsay-Dokument
Allein schon die Veröffentlichung einer unbekannten Aufnahme des ungarischen Dirigenten Ferenc Fricsay ist für den Musikkenner eine sich lohnendeMehr lesen
Rondo | 3/2008 | Jörg Königsdorf | February 16, 2008
Teils aus Mangel an landeseigenen Sinfonikern, teils weil er den GroßteilMehr lesen
www.classicstodayfrance.com | Février 2008 | Christophe Huss | February 1, 2008
Ce disque n'ajoutera rien à la connaissance et à la gloire du grandMehr lesen
Scherzo | Febrero de 2008, Num. 227 | Enrique Pérez Adrián | February 1, 2008 Fricsay y Böhm (II)
Cuatro nuevos álbumes Audite (distribuidor: Diverdi) dedicados a Fricsay yMehr lesen
Fono Forum | 01/2008 | Peter T. Köster | January 1, 2008 Antiquarische Frische
Das Spektrum der aktuellen Wiederveröffentlichungen historischer Orchesteraufnahmen reicht von frühen Erkundungen französischer Barockmusik bis zurMehr lesen
Alter Musik in historischen Aufnahmen begegnen wir relativ selten. Offenbar hat der Siegeszug der Originalklangbewegung den Produzenten weitgehend den Mut genommen, ältere Aufnahmen wieder zur Diskussion zu stellen.
Auch die Ferenc-Fricsay-Edition von Audite bedient sich gerne aus dem WDR-Archiv, das über einige der schönsten Aufnahmen des früh gestorbenen Dirigenten verfügt. Die neueste (hinsichtlich der Spieldauer mit 46 Minuten etwas zu kurz gekommene) Folge enthält die Haydn-Sinfonien Nummer 44 („Trauer") und 98, die damals noch keineswegs zum Standard-Repertoire zählten. Fricsäy dirigierte Haydn schlank im Klang und energisch im Zugriff.
www.concertonet.com | Décembre 2007 | Sébastien Foucart | December 15, 2007
Succédant à un couplage Schumann – Tchaïkovsky remarqué, ces gravuresMehr lesen
Edition Ferenc Fricsay – Werke von Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Rossini, Bizet, Brahms, Strauß, Verdi, Bartók u. a.
Fricsay (1914–1963) struck me as the Dinu Lipatti of conductors: once you...
Perhaps the coupling of Haydn's 44th, 95th, and 98th symphonies strikes you as...
Teils aus Mangel an landeseigenen Sinfonikern, teils weil er den Großteil...
Der Dirigent Ferenc Fricsay ist heute eine Legende. Im europäischen...
Ce disque n'ajoutera rien à la connaissance et à la gloire du grand Ferenc...
Fricsay comenzó a dirigir la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio de Colonia...
Quitte à avoir des extraits de Carmen en allemand par Fricsay, on aurait...
Succédant à un couplage Schumann – Tchaïkovsky remarqué, ces gravures...