Johann Sebastian Bach’s seven keyboard toccatas are among his “rebellious” youthful works: experimental in form, startlingly bold in expression, powerful in the design of the fugues. The Italian-Australian pianist Jonathan Ferrucci regards the pieces as a “musical laboratory” in which Bach ultimately found his own style.more

"the compositions, structured down to the millimeter, unfold an extremely natural, organic inner life. The clarity of Ferrucci’s playing and the transparency of his phrasing make the architecture of the music seem to have grown naturally." (Pizzicato)
Track List
This bonus track is only available as a download!
Johann Sebastian Bach: The Toccatas | |
article number: | 97.826 |
EAN barcode: | 4022143978264 |
price group: | BCA |
release date: | 10. January 2025 |
total time: | 83 min. |
Bonus Material
Even their genesis seems mysterious: there are no surviving manuscripts of Johann Sebastian Bach's keyboard toccatas. Scholars assume, however, that they were written during Bach's time in Arnstadt and his early Weimar period, as he gradually made a name for himself as a renowned organist. And it comes as no surprise that he chose the toccata as his musical playground: ever since the Roman composer Girolamo Frescobaldi, the toccata served as a kind of musical laboratory in which anything could be tried out with impunity. There are glitteringly virtuoso improvisations alongside strict but extremely energetic fugues, expressive arias as well as lively, folksy dances: Bach compiled entertaining suites and potpourris with much freedom, but always allowing them to breathe within great dramatic arcs.
Piano News | 2/2025 (März / April) | Hans-Dieter Grünefeld | March 1, 2025
Diese breite Palette der Klangrede gestaltet Jonathan Ferrucci mit subtiler Empathie für die kommunikative Neugier dieses Repertoires.Mehr lesen
Audio | 02|25 | Otto Paul Burkhardt | February 1, 2025 Klassik-Highlight
Das Jahrtausend-Genie Bach war auch mal jung: Seine frühen Toccaten (1707-1713) sind noch vom ungestümen Geist Buxtehudes beflügelt, zu dem BachMehr lesen
Bayerischer Rundfunk | BR-Klassik "Piazza", 25.01.2025, 8:05 Uhr | Bernhard Neuhoff | January 25, 2025 | source: https://www.br-k...
Jonathan Ferrucci – Bachs Toccaten
Wer diese Musik spielt, muss quasi mit dem Komponisten verschmelzen, der an der Tastatur sitzt und ganz aus der Laune des Augenblicks heraus improvisiert. [...] Dem jungen Pianisten Jonathan Ferrucci gelingt das mit größter Selbstverständlichkeit. [...] Bach ist so etwas wie sein tägliches Brot. Er spielt ihn, hört ihn, atmet ihn.Mehr lesen
Kulturabdruck | 16. Januar 2025 | Dr. Thorsten Stegemann | January 16, 2025 | source: https://www.kult... Mit Bach komponieren
eine kristallklare, dann wieder fluoreszierende, von jugendlichem Elan mitunter überschwemmte Klangfläche, vor der die Zuhörer den Eindruck bekommen, als ob sie nicht der Interpretation, sondern der Entstehung der Toccaten beiwohnen.Mehr lesen
www.pizzicato.lu | 10/01/2025 | Guy Engels | January 10, 2025 | source: https://www.pizz... Bachs organische Architektur
« Ich fühle mich, als würde ich mit Bach komponieren“, schreibt Jonathan Ferrucci im Booklet zu seinem neuen Album. In der Tat gibt es keineMehr lesen
Dennoch schafft sich Jonathan Ferrucci genügend Freiraum, um die kurzen Werke mit viel Gusto und Fantasie zu gestalten. Derart entfalten die auf den Millimeter strukturierten Kompositionen ein äußerst natürliches, organisches Innenleben. Die Klarheit von Ferruccis Spiel, die Transparenz seiner Phrasierung lässt die Architektur der Musik als selbstverständlich gewachsenes Gebilde erscheinen.
Über die Form hinweg findet der Pianist zu einem gleichermaßen empfindsamen wie griffigen Klang, in dem immer wieder zarte, poetische Episoden ihren Platz haben.
English Translation:
« I feel like I’m composing with Bach, » writes Jonathan Ferrucci in the booklet of his new album. In fact, there is no Bach signature in these toccatas, so a certain amount of personal invention is almost inevitable. For Jonathan Ferrucci, however, the focus is not on his own contribution, but on Johann Sebastian Bach. And when he thinks he is composing with Bach, it is probably with the composer at his side, whom he respectfully follows in his musical thoughts.
Nevertheless, Jonathan Ferrucci gives himself enough freedom to shape the short works with great enthusiasm and imagination. In this way, the compositions, structured down to the millimeter, unfold an extremely natural, organic inner life. The clarity of Ferrucci’s playing and the transparency of his phrasing make the architecture of the music seem to have grown naturally.
Beyond form, the pianist finds his way to a sound as sensitive as it is gripping, in which delicate, poetic episodes find their place again and again.
Sein Interesse an den Cembalo-Toccaten von Johann Sebastian Bach begründet der...