audite Musikproduktion
Hülsenweg 7
D-32760 Detmold
153 jurors from 32 specialist juries have chosen a total of 290 titles (CDs, DVDs and audiobooks) from the new releases of the last quarter and nominated them for the Quarterly Critic's Choice ("Bestenliste") I/2025 of the German Record Critic's Award (PdSK), which will be published on 14 February.
Of our six nominated productions, once again, a recording from the category "Historical Recordings" has made it to the finals of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) 2025. Now we are keeping our fingers crossed for the production Václav Neumann conducts Dvořák & Smetana from the Lucerne Festival series as we await the announcement of the winners on 14 January 2025!!!
Start the Christmas season with us and give yourself and / or your loved ones a treat with selected audite CDs at unbeatable prices. From 29/11/2024 to 24/12/2024 you will receive a large selection of our CDs at a discount of 20-50%, including our outstanding CD boxes for the 50th anniversary of audite and the 40th stage anniversary of the Mandelring Quartett as well as the 10th anniversary of our cooperation with Lucerne Festival:
https://audite.de/en/product/5CD/21461-beethoven_complete_piano_works_vol_1.html6 audite productions have been nominated for the International Classical Music Awards 2025. This means that half of this year's catalogue is represented in a total of 3 categories, once again demonstrating the quality and breadth of our recordings. Now it's time to keep your fingers crossed for the announcement of the finalists in December!
Martin Neu's interpretation of Bach's Trio Sonatas on the Ahrend organ in Herzogenaurach won the German Record Critics' Award (PdSK) in the preselection of 229 new CD releases and received the PdSK Quarterly Award in the category "Keyboard Instruments".
156 jurors from 31 specialist juries have chosen a total of 229 titles (CDs, DVDs and audiobooks) from the new releases of the last quarter and nominated them for the Quarterly Critics' Choice ("Bestenliste") IV/2024 of the German Record Critics' Award (PdSK), which will be published on 15 November.
On 12 April, this year's ICMAs were awarded in the Palau de la Musica, Valencia (Spain), and numerous prize winners were presented in an impressively diverse gala concert with the Orquesta de València under the baton of Alexander Liebreich.
The third part of our Gregor Joseph Werner series with masses and motets won the German Record Critics' Award in the preselection of 292 new CD releases and received the Quarterly Award in the category "Early Music".
In 2024, audite once again wins the International Classical Music Award (ICMA). The eleventh(!) ICMA prize is awarded to us this year in the category "Historical Recordings" for the CD box Herbert von Karajan - The Early Lucerne Years, released for the label and co-operation anniversary with Lucerne Festival. We are delighted to receive this special award and congratulate everyone involved in this production!
Das Jahrtausend-Genie Bach war auch mal jung: Seine frühen Toccaten (1707-1713) sind noch vom ungestümen Geist Buxtehudes beflügelt, zu dem Bach 1705 zu Fuß gepilgert war, um unerlaubt lange zu bleiben. Nun erweckt der italienisch-australische Pianist Jonathan Ferrucci (31) erneut die Wildheit, die Experimentierlust dieser Cembalostücke. Klar, Glenn
Wer diese Musik spielt, muss quasi mit dem Komponisten verschmelzen, der an der Tastatur sitzt und ganz aus der Laune des Augenblicks heraus improvisiert. [...] Dem jungen Pianisten Jonathan Ferrucci gelingt das mit größter Selbstverständlichkeit. [...] Bach ist so etwas wie sein tägliches Brot. Er spielt ihn, hört ihn, atmet ihn.
Ein Musik-Theater zum Mitmachen für Kinder und ihre Familien
Theater Mensch, Puppe!
Ein Musik-Theater zum Mitmachen für Kinder und ihre Familien
mit Nils Landgren, Posaune und Gesang
Jeanette Köhn, Gesang
Mattias Pérez, Gitarre
Jonas Knutsson, Saxofon
Clas Lassbo, Kontrabass
Galerie Herrenhausen, Herrenhäuser Str. 3a, 30419 Hannover